Ok, So I'm an Indigo, NOW What?
It was even harder for you than today's kids because there was not as much support. Not as many of your peers were Indigos and you may...
Do Adult Indigos exist?
YES!!! They did not just start coming at rates of 90% of the incoming population in 1992. I believe there have always been some Indigos,...
what would an ideal Indigo's world look like?
Indigos have a job to do on this planet, and they WILL do it. It’s their job to help eliminate the values of the world age that just...
Indigo Adult Characteristics
Characteristics of Indigo Adult Are intelligent, though may not have had top grades. Are very creative and enjoy making things. Always...
First Wave Indigo Profiles
These are some of the qualities and challenges that First Wave Indigos experience. Most Indigos can relate to at least 90% of this list :...
The New Children Have Arrived: Caring For Your Indigo Child
Many have asked; what or who are these Indigo Children and how can I help my child, my grandchild, or the student in my class who seems...
靛藍成人特徵: 1.多數在1969~1987之間出生 2.具備很強的直覺,行為模式與思維風格較為隨機 3.面對他們認為崩潰、不適用或無效的體系,如政治、教育、醫療、法律感到沮喪,也有處理上的困難 4.有強烈的渴望改變世界,雖然他們可能不知道怎麼做...
17 Year Old Indigo Child Message To The New Children And Lightworkers
For thousands of years the ancients have predicted great changes ahead for this planet. The Mayans anticipated the Age of Aquarius that...
以下的20个靛蓝儿童的特征,如果你的小孩符合10个以上,有可能是靛蓝儿童;如果符合15个以上,有极高的可能就是靛蓝儿童: 1.他/她是否有明显的自我感知能力? 2.他/她是否对于纪律权威无法理解,也有适应上的困难? 3.他/她是否拒绝去做某些被指使去做的事?...